

Postpartum care of the delicate zones

Pregnancy and childbirth place a tremendous burden on women's bodies. Information about these issues is relatively easy to obtain because there are so many books, magazines, and the Internet. How...


What are the effects of cold on women?

One of the most common problems of women is body cold. Let's learn about the reasons why women tend to get cold more easily than men, the effects and problems caused by a cold body, and various me...


Are there ways to relieve painful menstrual cramps?

Many people find menstruation depressing. The menstrual cramps associated with menstruation can be so severe that some people cannot even stand up. In this column, we will introduce methods and t...


What are the advantages of choosing organic napkins?

More and more women are choosing organic sanitary napkins, which are gentler on the skin than ordinary sanitary napkins. Various manufacturers in Japan are also introducing them, partly due to the...


Self-check of the delicate zone that you can do by yourself

Any kind of trouble in the delicate zone, an important part of a woman's body, can be a major obstacle in her daily life. By making it a habit to perform daily self-checks, problems can be dealt w...


What are the benefits of using LUMEVE daily?

The delicate zone is a very important part of a woman's body. Just like the face and body, it is very important to take care of it every day. It is important to know the necessity of daily care w...