
The teenage delicate zone you need to know about


The teenage years, a time of transition from child to adult woman, is also a time when problems of the delicate zones are more likely to occur.

What kind of physical changes and problems are possible in the teenage years?

What kind of body changes and problems can teenage women expect?

How does a teenage girl's body change?

Secondary sexual characteristics are considered to start at around the age of 8 years old, although this varies from person to person.

Estrogen, one of the female hormones, begins to be secreted.

Hormones cause the mammary glands to develop, breasts to swell, body hair to grow, and the body to become more rounded.

First menstruation is more common between the ages of 10 and 14, and most women have their first menstruation at age 15.

Inside the body, the ovaries are nearing completion between the ages of 15 and 20.

It is also around this time that ovulation and menstrual cycles gradually stabilize.

What kind of problems are unique to teenage women?

The body is in a period of rapid development, the mind is unbalanced and unable to keep up with the growing body, and various external stresses can cause problems with the sensitive area and other physical and mental health issues.

Menstrual problems

After the first menstrual period, the ovaries and uterus are still in an immature state and have not yet been completed.

They may suffer from severe lower abdominal pain or back pain during menstruation, or they may experience amenorrhea, a condition in which menstruation does not occur for a long period of time.

Trouble with discharge

In the teenage years, problems such as a sudden increase in the amount of discharge, and the amount and odor of the discharge can be varied.

The secretion of female hormones is unstable, so the secretion of discharge is not constant.

Itching and odor problems

The sebum and sweat glands become active, and the humidity in the delicate zone increases.

The delicate zone can become itchy and smelly if it is continually damp.

The menstrual cycle is unstable, and wearing a sanitary napkin for a long period of time can lead to skin problems due to the increased dampness.

Delicate zone care in teenagers

Keeping the delicate zone clean can prevent problems.

Change napkins and sanitary napkins as often as possible.

It is also important to soak in a bathtub every day instead of taking a shower.

Use warm water or special care products for the delicate zone to wash the delicate zone gently, rather than scrubbing it hard.

Teenagers have a wider range of activities such as school, lessons, and club activities.

In addition to studies and sports, they are also busy with friendships and entrance exams, which can easily tire them out both mentally and physically, and they tend to accumulate worries and stress.

It is important to be aware of the problems that can occur in the delicate zones of teenagers and to take appropriate care of them.

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