
What foods cause body odor?


Smell can make a big difference in the impression people have of you.

Many people are concerned that an unpleasant odor from their own body can ruin their image.

However, it is said that body odor can be greatly affected by food.

Therefore, if you feel body odor, including from the delicate area, which is not good for you, it may be due to the content of your diet.

If you are experiencing body odor, including in the delicate zone, it may be due to the content of your diet.

Animal fat

Animal fat is the first food listed as a cause of body odor.

The most common types of animal fat are beef, pork, and chicken, but lard, butter, and milk are also animal fats.

Saturated fatty acids are a major reason why animal fats cause odors.

Saturated fatty acids are the source of cholesterol and triglycerides, and too much of them can increase triglycerides and cholesterol in the body.

This leads to an increase in the secretion of lipid peroxide, which is the cause of typical body odors such as aging odor, scalp odor, sweaty odor, and armpit odor.

The amount of peroxide fat secreted by the body increases, which in turn causes the secretion of lipid peroxide, a typical cause of body odor such as aging, scalp, sweat, and armpit odor.

Fried foods and junk foods

Fried foods and junk foods are also causes of body odor.

In order to control body odor, it is important to prevent body sebum from oxidizing as much as possible.

This is the same principle as the smell of oxidized oil after it has been used for oxidized fried foods compared to new oil.

When oil becomes old, it has an increased amount of peroxides.

Therefore, eating foods that contain oxidized oil may worsen the condition of oxidized sebum.

To prevent this, it is important to avoid consuming foods with oxidized oil as much as possible.

It is also important to use fresh oil in cooking.


Garlic is often used to add flavor to dishes, but it should also be used with caution.

When garlic is cut for cooking, it stimulates the production of a substance called allicin.

While allicin has antibacterial properties, it is also the source of the odor.

Allicin is also responsible for the smell of breath when garlic is cooked and eaten.

After the garlic is digested in the stomach, the odor may appear as bad breath, but if a large amount is ingested, it can also be absorbed into the bloodstream, and as it flows through the blood vessels, the odor may also appear on the skin.

It is advisable to limit the amount of garlic consumed at one time, and if you must eat it, use supplements that help reduce body odor.

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