
Men's Opinions on the Female Delicate Zone


Caring for the delicate and sensitive zones is a sensitive and delicate matter.

Have you ever wanted to know what other people, regardless of gender, have to say about the delicate zone?

Let's find out what men think about women's delicate zones.

Opinions about the female genital area

According to one survey, the majority of men think that taking care of women's delicate zones makes them feel good about themselves.

In particular, as many as 80% of the respondents, or the majority of the respondents, want VIO hair removal to be taken care of.

However, it is also true that VIO hair removal and care is not easy to do by oneself.

Looking at the details, some respondents said that they do not need to remove all of the hair from their VIOs, but they would like it to be done to the extent that they can keep their VIOs clean.

On the other hand, there were many who said they were not too concerned about the dark spots on their VIOs.

However, there were also those who said they would be concerned if the color was too different, and they expressed the hope that it would be taken care of if at all possible.

[Differences of opinion between men and women

Although many men expressed a desire for care within the limits of cleanliness, according to the survey of women, only about 40% of them answered that they take care of their delicate zones.

It turned out that there was a big difference from the opinions of men. Perhaps because hair removal by men has become the standard, many men are concerned about the state of women's care.

In addition to hair removal, there is also odor care for the delicate zone.

Many men say that they would like to see odor care as well.

Women themselves may also be concerned about the smell.

If you are going to go to the trouble of taking care of your hair, it may be a good idea to choose a care product that contains deodorant ingredients.

It is nice to have ingredients that condition the skin so that you can take good care of it.

[Delicate zones are delicate.

One of the most common ways for women to care for their skin is to wash it as thoroughly as possible when bathing.

However, it is said that the skin of the delicate zone is as thin as the skin around the eyes when compared to other parts of the body.

Washing too vigorously may cause blackheads due to friction.

By using special care products and taking good care of the skin every day after bathing, you can keep it clean and well organized.

We recommend that you start taking care of your skin when you begin to think that you might be a little concerned about it.

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