
Care of the delicate zones is important for the Ala. generation!


The delicate zone is a very sensitive part of the body.

You may not be conscious of it in your daily life, but if you neglect to take care of it, it can easily be affected.

It is especially when women reach the age of around 35 that they begin to feel the changes.

It is said that female hormones decrease when women reach around 35 years of age, and the mucous membrane of the vagina and the amount of mucus it produces tend to decrease as a result.

This is the reason why the arafter generation tends to experience changes.

In order to prevent these changes as much as possible, it is necessary to take measures on your own.

Preventing skin problems caused by dryness

The delicate skin area is prone to dryness caused by a decrease in the amount of mucus due to a decrease in female hormone production.

Dry skin on the face and other parts of the body can cause skin problems, and the same is true for the delicate zone.

As with other parts of the body, dryness not only causes a cracking of the skin, it can also lead to atrophy, a change in the skin.

Atrophy can lead to an environment in which bacteria and other organisms can easily grow, which can lead to skin irritation.

This can lead to vaginal infections, so it is necessary to prevent such problems by taking care of the vagina with proper knowledge.

[Blood flow becomes blocked].

The vagina, like other parts of the body, has capillaries.

Basically, blood flow stagnation in the body is a cause of poor health.

It is said that blood flow in the body begins to deteriorate just around the age of 40.

When the flow of blood is sluggish, including in the delicate zone area, poor physical condition can manifest itself in various places.

If you notice a change, such as an increase in the smell of the delicate zone, it may be a sign that the blood flow is blocked.

Age-appropriate care is important.

If you are in the age bracket and want to take care of your delicate skin, first use a soap that is gentle to the skin and keep it clean and free of dirt.

The vagina is a sensitive area, so the key is to wash it gently so as not to damage the skin.

The vaginal area has a self-cleansing function, so do not wash it with soap, but only rinse it with hot water.

Moisturizing with a special product is also recommended.

Items designed for the care of the delicate area contain ingredients necessary for moisturizing, antibacterial care, etc. They prevent dryness and the growth of bacteria.

They help prevent dryness and the growth of bacteria and help maintain cleanliness, so why not start a new care regimen according to your age?

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