
What is the best way to prevent the delicate area from being swollen on hot days?


The hot days are still continuing.

On hot days, both the temperature and humidity are higher and it is muggy, which can cause discomfort in the sensitive area.

It is important to know how to care for and prevent the sensitive area from becoming uncomfortable depending on the weather.

What are the causes of discomfort and what kinds of problems can occur?

The high temperatures and high humidity in Japan in particular make us sweat a lot.

The delicate zone is no exception, and the perspiration you sweat evaporates and accumulates in your underwear.

This moisture can cause the delicate zone to become damp.

When the delicate zone becomes damp, all kinds of problems can occur.

The sensitive skin of the delicate zone can easily develop a rash, and poorly ventilated undergarments can cause unpleasant odors.

What measures can be taken to prevent unpleasant problems?

The first step in preventing problems caused by dampness is to make sure that your underwear allows air to pass through it as little as possible.

Underwear made of naturally derived materials such as cotton or silk will allow air to pass through much better than polyester underwear.

Undergarments that are constricting, such as girdles, compression underwear, and correctional underwear, or that are true-to-size and tight, also affect breathability.

It is important to take a break from wearing these undergarments or change to undergarments that are a size larger and more comfortable.

During menstruation, it tends to be more uncomfortable and stuffy than in other seasons.

On days when you use sanitary napkins, change them more frequently than usual.

Frequent changes will minimize the amount of air leakage.

If work or other commitments make it difficult to change sanitary napkins frequently, tampons are an alternative.

Tampons help to keep menstrual blood inside the body, which helps to reduce unwanted mucus.

Even if you normally use a sanitary napkin, it is recommended that you switch to tampons if you have difficulty changing them frequently.

In addition, since the underarm hair in the delicate zone inevitably becomes a cause of increased dampness and bacteria, there is also the countermeasure of keeping the area clean by removing the hair.

LUMEVE can moisturize the area.

In the same way that you take care of your skin when you sweat, it is important to take care of your delicate skin by moisturizing it and keeping it moist.

LUMEVE is a cream for delicate skin care and moisturizes delicate skin.

It is also perfect for caring for sensitive skin that has undergone hair removal.

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