
What causes stains to occur?


One of the skin problems that many women, regardless of age, have is "blemishes.

Let's learn why spots form and get beautiful, spotless skin.

Let's know what causes them.

It is important to know why spots form in order to minimize their occurrence and keep your skin beautiful for a long time.

It can take up to 10 years for a blemish to appear on the surface.

Therefore, taking measures now will lead to the resolution of future problems.

It is important to know the typical causes of the appearance of spots, and to live your life while paying attention to them.

Importance of UV protection

The most common cause of blemishes is ultraviolet rays.

Ultraviolet rays damage even the inside of the skin.

The skin then produces melanin through the activation of melanocytes.

This function itself is performed to protect the skin, but if the amount of melanin produced increases, it will appear on the surface of the skin as a blemish.

Although UV protection is now common knowledge, it is important to be aware of the two types of UV rays, UV-A and UV-B, and to take measures to protect against them.

At first glance, it is easy to assume that UV-B, with its higher energy, is the direct cause of blemishes, but both types of UV rays can cause blemishes.

Therefore, it is important to take measures regardless of the season, time of day, or weather conditions.

Relationship with female hormones

Women have a four-stage cycle according to changes in the balance of hormones.

This hormonal balance can be disrupted by pregnancy and other factors.

If they are disrupted, the production of black melanin is said to become more active.

Excessive production of melanin leads to pigmentation and the development of blemishes.

Female hormones are not visible.

However, if you keep track of your basal body temperature to understand your cycle, you will be able to determine the timing when it tends to break down.

Reactive oxygen species are one of the causes.

One of the causes of blemishes is reactive oxygen species.

Although reactive oxygen species normally sterilize bacteria and other organisms that enter the body, if the amount exceeds a certain level, they can damage cells that are not causing problems.

Reactive oxygen species created in the body can cause melanocytes to be stimulated, resulting in the mass production of black melanin, which causes spots to form.

Factors that increase reactive oxygen species include ultraviolet rays and stress.

If you can prevent the generation of reactive oxygen species by being aware of them, you should actively try to prevent them.

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