
Delicate Zone Trouble and Prevention during Dry Season


Winter, the season of dry air, brings with it an increase in skin problems of one kind or another.

Just like skin care for the hands and face, the delicate zone also needs care.

Let's take a closer look at skin problems caused by dryness and what you need to know about caring for your delicate skin.

Why are problems more likely to occur in the dry winter months?

Itching is a common problem in the delicate zone during winter, when temperatures and humidity are lower.

During the dry season, the amount of sebum covering the skin and substances called moisturizing and hydrating factors inside the skin decrease, causing a lack of moisture in the skin.

The lack of moisture makes the skin more sensitive and itchy than in other seasons.

Aging also causes the skin to lose moisture, so itching is more intense during dry periods.

In winter, many people wear not only regular underwear but also warm tights and body warmers.

The thicker the clothing, the less breathable it becomes.

The higher the humidity in the delicate area, the more itchy it gets.

When the temperature drops, blood flow throughout the body also decreases.

The delicate zone also becomes more prone to itching due to the lack of blood flow to the area.

Winter is a time when the immune system is weakened and people tend to get sick.

When the immune system is weakened, the number of bacteria in the delicate zone increases, causing itching.

Care for the delicate zone

Moisturizing is the most important way to protect the delicate zone.

Soak in a bathtub for a long time to get warm.

Bathing improves the flow of blood.

Use special care products instead of ordinary soaps.

Avoid scrubbing the delicate area, but rather lather up and wash gently.

After bathing, moisturize by applying a special cream for the delicate area before the moisture is lost.

Another tip in caring for the delicate area is to keep it clean.

Change sanitary napkins and sanitary napkins frequently, and also use wet wipes for the delicate zone to keep the area clean.

The key to preventing itching is to be aware of ventilation.

The key to preventing itching is to be aware of ventilation.

Avoid tightening underwear and compression leggings.

It is also effective to use disposable body warmers on the lower abdomen.

In order to strengthen the immune system, it is also important to review your daily lifestyle.

It is necessary to take a proper meal at each meal, pay attention to nutritional balance, and get a good night's sleep.

During the dry winter season, the skin becomes more sensitive and itchy due to lack of moisture.

Heavy clothing can also cause itching.

It is important to keep the delicate area well ventilated as much as possible and to take good care of your skin by moisturizing when bathing.

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